Yangshou is 80km west of Guilin!
If you see a beautiful landscape from China, then it`s the most times from Yangshuo!
I arrived at Guilin with the Airplane and then i drove with the boat to Yangshou.
But next time i would like to drive with the bus, because in Yangshou i undertook a lot of boattrips and the price was really high!      Boat 1200Yuan (120Euro) - Bus 80Yuan (8Euro)
I was there for five days and i must say.... it was too short!!!
We rented a Mountainbike (more or less, for 120Yuan) and a guide (380Yuan)... we made trips around the Moonhill, to different caves and boattrips on the Li River.
G U I L I N - Y A N G S H U O
Around the Li River
Li River Fisherman
Around Yangshou
From Moonhill
From Moonhill
From Moonhill
From Moonhill
Luky man
Food for Waterbuffalos
Kormorans for fishing
Little Chinese
Boattrip Li River
Boattrip Li River
Big tree
Chinese Tourists
At the market